sâmbătă, 20 decembrie 2014

Brain training

Did you know you can increase your IQ, your memory, your creativity, your agility in decision-making, their ability to solve problems, sexual potency, can lose weight, strengthen your hair and make them grow, relieve pain, eliminate stress and depression, sleep better, heal diseases and to attract money, wealth and love just listening to sounds at certain frequencies? This has been proven by science!

Neuroplasticity BRAIN

The brain can be exercised to make it more intelligent, have a better memory, learn new information faster and be happier in general. People around the world are doing it ... And you can also do it.

The brain training exercises has become very popular in recent years, and for good reason. Everyone wants to increase its intelligence to be able to achieve more in your life, and be happy as a result.

The concept of happiness is relative, varies from individual to individual, but in reality is reduced to a single concept: peace of mind.

A mind in agitation state can not carry out your wishes, usually due to lack of attention and commitment. A mind strengthened by a sense of peace, order, and a free creative flow, can achieve almost anything, and overcome almost any obstacle.

From birth to adulthood the brain undergoes a major evolution in form and function. However, this process does not cease, because the Neuroscience has shown that evolution occurs to aging. This means that the brain is an organ that has neural plasticity as it is able to strengthen or weaken the functional connections according to the needs of each person in his whole life.

Laboratories at the University of London have confirmed that the brain has a great neuroplasticity, being able to be modified after training brainwave. According to researchers at Goldsmiths and the Institute of Neurology, only half an hour of brain rhythms control exercise would be able to bring about a lasting change in the excitability of the cerebral cortex.

The formation of brain function arises from the interactions between the brain-mind and the sociocultural environment. This occurs due to the plasticity of the brain that has the property of shape different brain wave patterns in relation to environmental needs. This relationship between body / mind and the environment, can set from a relaxed state to the excited state. The transition between these states is performed by the mind, which is to establish how often is the most appropriate to the situation in which the individual is faced every moment of your life.


You can not achieve the Mind condition High Performance when the person is in the state of high arousal (anxiety / stress) and so little when she is in the state of low arousal (depression). Ideally, the brain perform a control of the mental patterns by adjusting the brain states in accordance with the requirements of the day.

When a lack in the setting of brain states, this can cause various difficulties such as: decrease in activity concentration, memory, creativity, ability to decide and resolve conflicts. If this brain dysfunction worsens, then emerge disorders of depression, anxiety and stress.

The goal of brain training, with the technique of brainwave entrainment, is to reprogram the brain to establish a Mind condition High Performance. Therefore, the brain must be linked to access the state of mind that the person needs, so that their conduct is in accordance with the requirements of the circumstances, every time.

With the use of brainwave entrainment can exercise our brain activity, improving its relations with our physical behavior and internal ducts. With this, you can improve the work of the mind, optimizing their resources more competently and agility, enhancing the well-being and the joy of living.

This procedure improves our perception and understanding of our brain and our neurophysiology processes, enabling us to a learning and greater control of our brain activity and mental abilities.

The Mind Awake or High Performance Mind is a brainwave pattern that can be found during the "peak experience" and all forms of creativity and high performance. The Mind Awake is also the "ah-ah", appearing at the exact moment to solve the problem, or when it gets a "insight".

The brainwave pattern of Mind Awake or High Performance Mind combines empathic and intuitive radar of Delta waves; creative inspiration, personal perception, and spiritual awareness of theta waves; the transition capacity and relaxation with awareness of Alpha waves; and external attention and conscious thought process capacity of Beta waves, all at the same time.

Among other things, training the mind with the brainwave entrainment can increase the following resources of the mind:

- Best performance of attention, concentration and memory;

- Creativity skill;

- Ability to problem solving (mental alertness);

- Agility in decision making and reduce mistakes;

- Competence in competitive situations;

- Ability to deal with a high workload.


Unfortunately, most brain training routines on the market is shallow about what can be achieved with the brain.

The superior type of power of brain training I'm talking about is the scientific term process to match the brain a specific frequency rate in order to create integrated states of brain functioning, deep relaxation, and stimulate further neuronal connections in the brain to increase intelligence.

Although produce frequencies above for brain training is a complex task, the way this works in you is actually quite simple. You only put a headset, plays the audio created for brain training, and let your brain synchronizes with the frequency of the recording, but not all products are equal to brain training.

There are two types of frequencies for brain training available in the market: Pulses binaural and isochronic tones. Mono was falling into disuse.

CLOCKS binaural (binaural BEATS)

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The sinusoidal or sine wave is a mathematical function that describes a smooth repetitive oscillation. Often occurs in pure and applied mathematics as well as physics, engineering, signal processing and many other fields.

Binaural beats can influence brain function in ways other than those related to hearing. This phenomenon is called frequency follow response (following frequency response). The concept is that you get a stimulus with a frequency in the range of brain waves. The dominant frequency of brain wave is said to be capable of moving to the frequency of the stimulus (a process called entrainment).

Furthermore, binaural beats have been documented in a credible way to relate to the spatial perception and auditory recognition of sound, and, according to the following frequency response, activation of various regions of the brain.

The stimulus does not have to be audible, but can also be visual or a combination of auditory and visual.

Human hearing is perceived limited to the frequency range of 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz, but the frequencies of human brain waves are below about 40 Hz. To explain this lack of insight, are used the binaural beat frequencies.

Frequencies of 40 Hz were produced in the brain with binaural sound and experimentally measures.

When the beat frequency corresponds to perceived frequency Beta, Alpha, Theta or Delta brainwaves drag or advance to the frequency range of the beat.

For example, if a sine wave of 315 Hz is played in the right ear and 325 Hz one in the left ear, the brain is drawn into the 10 Hz frequency beat, the Alfa range. Since Alpha is associated with the relaxation, it has a relaxing effect, or in the beta range, more alert.

An experiment with binaural beat sound stimulus using frequencies in the Beta range, in some participants, and Delta / Theta other participants, found a better performance in vigilance and mood in people in Beta stimulation of alertness.

The stimulation of binaural beat has been used extensively to induce a variety of states of consciousness, and has been done work on the effects of these stimuli in relaxation, focus, attention and states of consciousness.

Studies have shown that with the repeated formation of narrow frequency sounds to distinguish a reorganization of brain neuroplasticity is trained for frequency and is capable of balancing asymmetric hemispherical.

The thalamus (from Greek θάλαμος "inner chamber") is a symmetrical structure of the middle line in the brain of vertebrates, including humans, situated between the cerebral cortex and midbrain. Its function includes the relay sensory and motor signals to the cerebral cortex, along with the regulation of consciousness, sleep and alertness. The thalamus surrounds the third ventricle. It is the main product of the embryonic diencephalon.

Binaural Beat is a knock-on process of scientifically proven brain, which was discovered 170 years ago by the scientist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and slowly began to gain recognition after an article called "Auditory Beats in the Brain, by Dr. Gerald Oster" was published in the October 1973 issue of Scientific America.

It has been proven that the binaural beat is effective in many cases eliminate such stress headache, migraine and cognitive deficits operation. Currently, it is used outside the world of science, for what is called brainwave entrainment, which is commonly used to influence the brain to produce states of relaxation, meditation, pain relief, restful sleep or sleep better, but it is also used for purposes other than how to grow hair, lose weight, increase libido, sexual power, memory, creativity, mood, reduce anxiety, cure diseases, attract wealth, success, love and etc.

The process of binaural beat can be used to stimulate altered states of consciousness by selecting binaural beat patterns to match one of the desired brain waves. After a few minutes of listening, the brain starts to match this binaural beat, because of a process called frequency follow response. Indeed, a binaural beat is not heard as a true sound in the headphone environment, it is more like a neurological signal perceived within the brain of both brain hemispheres working in unison.

The neural synchrony stimulated by binaural beat is an important aspect that helps the brain to function at a higher level. The brain continually makes new connections following new experiences.

The quality and strength of neural connections can vary according to the input received by the brain. Binaural beats in the range Alpha, Theta and Delta provide a continuous relaxed input and promote healthy rewiring by calculating their neurological audio signal. These new audio experiences engatilham brain a burst of new connections between neurons, and, with the repetition of these new neural pathways become fit as well as go to a gym, and are best placed connections in our brains that survive. The binaural beat process is faster and easier than just meditation. After several weeks of repeated listening, the brain becomes more lateral and begins to form relaxed permanent memories in both hemispheres.

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The Binaural Beats are produced in the brain when two tones of slightly different frequencies are presented separately for each ear.

A spacing tone is perceived by the brain of the mixture of the two tones. They are usually created in MP3 format and must be heard through headphones.

While the left ear hears a frequency, the right listening and the other two frequencies are mixed in the brain, so no need to use special headphones, which is not necessary in the case of Pulse Isochronic, but we'll leave to talk about it in a moment.

For the Brain Wave Entrainment occurs, the tones are mixed together, resulting in a pulse. The pulses, called "beats", formed by mixed tones cause entrainment.

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The frequencies that occur in the beats determine the effect that will have on the brain. Higher frequency entrainment can increase alertness, whereas the lower frequencies can cause sleep and deep relaxation. In this case, the binaural beats adjust the frequencies of the brain to promote healthy sleeping patterns.

When produced by accredited professionals or entities, the audio of binaural beats are safe for repeated use and are not addictive.

The brain does not become dependent on binaural beats for relaxation. Over time, it is actually more resistant to stress and this process continues to develop even more when more binaural stimuli are received by the brain. Furthermore, as hemispheres and synchronized neurons develop greater personal awareness and understanding, greater resilience and stress reduction.

The binaural beats are a valuable tool in counseling and other therapeutic settings. Just listen to them through good quality stereo headphones to know how powerful they are. Indeed, they are an amazing and effective means of altering brain waves without side effects such as those found in drugs.

The binaural beats quickly and easily adjust the brain frequencies to levels that help relieve stress, anxiety, depression and pain in various parts of the body like back, teeth, muscles and head.

Many people have difficulty sleeping. However, after a series of sessions with binaural beats audios, they find that they need less sleep and have a general sense of well being.

TONS isochronic

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Why use isochronic tones in our audio?

The binaural pulses exist long ago, however, are being replaced by isochronic tones for many reasons, of which the three main ones are:

1) The isochronic tones are more powerful and the brain's response is immediate;

2) The binaural pulses require the use of special headset and expensive to obtain maximum benefits. The isochronic tones not. In fact, isochronic tones, in principle, do not require headset.

3) The binaural pulses tend to crash in person after a while, so are forced to buy new sound tracks with other deeper binaural frequencies. The isochronic tones do not crash and, in fact, the more we listen, the better work.

This is because the binaural pulses send a different frequency for each ear at a barely audible volume. It is then up to the brain "solve the equation" between the difference of the two frequencies. For example, an ear receives a 200 Hz tone and the opposite ear receives a 210 Hz tone. The brain then (in theory) was trains at a rate of 10 Hz, which corresponds to an Alfa relaxed state.

The problem is that, over time, the brain gets used to process the two tones and stops train on this difference. Therefore, most of the products that use binaural pulses offers different levels to keep the brain progressing as will getting used to the frequencies.

The isochronic tones, on the other hand, lead to the brain in a rhythmic computer generated tone, brain, it is easy to follow or work up. The pace of isochronic tones creates a powerful and consistent state of training that does not "wear" with use.

Because the binaural pulses are usually "masked" or hidden in the background music, it requires special headphones to properly reproduce the frequency range of binaural tone. This is one of the biggest weaknesses of binaural pulses.

On the contrary, isochronic tones create an almost irresistible effect for training, which requires that the headphones are special.

Why we recommend the headphones even in audio that are used isochronic tones? The effects are reinforced through the headphones because, when we do not use headphones, the mind tends to wander and easily distracted for any reason that may disturb or interrupt.

The Isochronic should be audible tone to be effective, unlike the binaural any overlapping pulses pleasant sounds may reduce the drag effects of brain waves. For this reason, many professionals agree that Binaural Sounds work best in the lower frequencies (meditation) and isochronic tones work best at higher frequencies (increase in IQ, memory, improved learning, etc.).

What makes them different isochronic tones is that they are simply separate pulses of a single tone, like a metronome or drum beat. This creates a greater contrast between sound and silence, which has a greater effect on the brain.

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The smoothness of the sound, the precision of the rhythmic pattern and how it speeds are some of the reasons why Tom Isochronic won the preference of many listeners.

The fact be hearing sound in both ears makes it very effective and stimulating to the thalamus, the center of the right hemisphere of the brain, above the brain stem. Isochronic tones excite the thalamus and causes the brain to double the frequency of the tones, changing patterns of thought and training the brain to the desired frequency.

The most important thing to remember is that the pace is one of the basic functions in the human brain, so the brain responds to the beat everyone, including yours.

The isochronic tones are very effective to train the brain to any frequency: deep states of meditation, relaxation lightweight, high stimulation ... You can even exercise the brain's ability to produce more neurosinápticas connections, which translate into greater intelligence on the user.

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The tones need to be audible rhythmic order to produce these effects. The constant use of isochronic tones literally leads the brain to that train as soon hear the tones.

Some feel more comfortable listening Sounds Binaural, others claim that isochronic tones sound softer ear. There are those who choose the quantity of products offered in the market, others prefer more visible and faster results. Some feel safer using the older technology, there are many proven research ... Who decides what technology to use is the listener.

Brain training can help increase intelligence, relieve stress, meditate easily, increase concentration and memory, and more. The only way to get these benefits is that the training experience for yourself.



The brain intercom up through electrical impulses, these form electromagnetic waves of various frequencies, existing 5 different frequencies.

Brain cells, specifically neurons use electrical impulses to communicate with each other, and make the muscles contracting and members move. Each neuron produces certain electrical discharge for the purpose of communicating with this neurons and other neighboring cells. When this electrical impulse is excessive arises epilepsy, and when you "lose" part until you reach the destination Parkinson arises.

It is obvious that the electrical activity of the brain has therefore arise electromagnetic waves. These, in turn, can be measured / evaluated by apparatus as EEG. These electric waves have frequencies that can be measured in cycles or Hertz. The frequency of the waves changes depending on the electrical activity of neurons that are associated with the change of states of consciousness.

The electrical activity generated by the heart is recorded by an electrocardiogram (ECG) and the electrical activity generated by muscles is recorded by electromyography (EMG). The electrical activity generated by the brain is measured and recorded by electroencephalogram (EEG).


The electrical brain waves, like all waves, are measured in two ways. The first is the frequency or speed of the electrical impulses. Frequency is measured in cycles per second (Hz), ranging from 0.5 Hz to 38 Hz. The second measure is the amplitude, or how strong the brainwave. Brain waves are classified by frequency into five types: Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. The electroencephalogram (EEG) graphically records the electrical currents of the left and right hemispheres of the brain through electrodes placed on the scalp.



We can distinguish five different frequencies:


Brainwaves RANGE are above 38 Hz and are involved in higher mental activity and consolidation of information. Advanced Tibetan meditators produce higher levels of gamma other people, both before and during meditation.


It relates to processes of attention, concentration and cognition.

BETA brain waves are fast, ranging 13-38 cycles per second. Beta is the normal state of mind, your active external consciousness and thought process. No Beta would not be able to exercise our functions outside world.

In this state you are wide awake and alert. Your mind is focused, ready for jobs that require full attention. Fundamental processes involving concentration, such as learning, analyzing and organizing information.

In the Beta state, neurons transmit information quickly, allowing you to achieve concentration states. The training of Beta waves is used by therapists to treat a problem of learning and concentration called attention deficit disorder (ADD).

The programs that induce Beta waves help in studies, in sports practices, in preparations for public presentations, ie, analyze and organize information where mental concentration is the key to good performance.

Beta waveband lies between 13-30 Hz. The Beta state is associated with concentration, increased attention, better eyesight and coordination.

The scientists found that the frequencies 18 Hz and 13 Hz Beta, Gamma 40Hz act in complex cognitive functions.


Relates in Relaxation processes, Visualization, Meditation.

Brainwaves ALFA allow us the relaxed state of individual consciousness, sensory imagery views and daydream. From about 8 cycles and 12 cycles per second per second, Alpha becomes the communication port between consciousness (beta) and unconscious (theta).

In this state you are relaxed, your inner consciousness increases, thus increasing the self-perception, awareness of thoughts and internal processes. When you are relaxed, your little brain activity Beta pattern that is quick to the Alpha waves are slower. His inner consciousness expands. His creative energy begins to flow and the anxiety disappears. You experience a sense of peace and well-being.

The use of programs with alpha waves is very suitable for treatment of stress, are excellent for peaceful problem solving, memory, relaxation and visualization practices.

The Alpha waves range is between 7-12 Hz, associated with problem solving, creativity, memory, relaxation, abstract thought and imagination (views). In Alpha, we access more easily our dormant capacity - it acts as a gateway to deeper states of consciousness.

Inside the Alfa range, is the Schumann resonance of 7.83 Hz, the frequency of the Earth's electromagnetic field, this frequency has drawn much attention from scientists neuro-acoustic area for its immense benefits.


It relates in Meditation processes, Intuition / Creativity and Memory.

Brain waves TETA represent our unconscious. Ranging from about 4 cycles per second up to 8 cycles per second, Theta is present in dreams and provides the experience of deep meditation. Theta also contains the deposit of creative inspiration and is often where we have our spiritual connection.

Further deepening relaxation, you enter the mysterious Theta state where low brain activity almost to the point of sleep.

Theta is the brain state where amazing mental abilities occur. The Theta state provides unconsciously images flashes, creativity and access to memories for a long time forgotten. In this state we are in a "waking dream", providing an ideal state for accelerated learning, mental reprogramming, memory of dreams, creativity and increased memory.

Theta takes you deep states of meditation. You can feel your mind expand beyond the limits of your body.

Theta waves have an important role in behavior modification programs and have been used in the treatment of addiction to drugs and alcohol.

The range of Theta waves is between 4-7 HZ. In Theta, we are like a "waking dream", we are receptive to information that is beyond our normal state of consciousness, activating mental extrasensory states.


It relates in Consciousness processes expanded, Healing and Recovery.

Delta brainwaves portray our unconscious mind, the deep sleep state, ranging from about 0.5 cycles per second to 4 cycles per second. But in combination with other waves in the waking state, Delta acts as a kind of radar looking for information, getting to understand at the deepest level unconscious things that do not po-we understand through the process of thought. Delta offers us intuition, empathic instinctive insight.

Delta is the lowest of all brainwave frequencies. Is associated with deep sleep.

Some frequencies in the Delta range release the human growth hormone (HGH) which is very beneficial for cell regeneration and healing. HGH is a hormone associated with cellular health in the body. HGH levels in healthy adolescents individuals are at peak and decreases in the course of our lives.

Delta is the brain wave to access the unconscious, where intuition can easily emerge.

The Delta range is between 0.1 - 4 Hz. The programs containing Delta are ideal for sleep, physical and mental recovery and deep meditation.

There are methods and techniques that facilitate alter brain frequency and mental state, such as relaxation, hypnosis, even software. It is recommended that these methods and techniques are used by accredited professionals or entities, as misuse can cause consequences at various levels.

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