sâmbătă, 20 decembrie 2014

Brain training is great ally for the pre-university study and tenders

Technical Neurofeedback, popular in the US, provides greater power of concentration and learning through brain stimulation
Decorate texts and formulas, understand and exercise calculations, have discipline, remain calm in times of trial ...
Student Life is not easy,  no? Who need to have a high yield as for college or for tenders usually dream of having something that can increase your brain performance and strengthen your memory to the time of trial.
Old acquaintance of Americans for at least 40 years and in constant evolution, the brain training technique, called Neurofeedback, is considered one of the most innovative procedures in the field of neurological and psychological rehabilitation also used for this purpose and promises to make life easier for those who is facing a tough time to get good results in studies.

Designed to enhance brain function, Neurofeedback helps the attention, concentration, memory, emotional issues and decrease the level of stress and anxiety that are causing difficulties in learning and performance on tests.

With Neurofeedback, these irregular electrical brain waves that are triggering the learning difficulties and / or other harm to health of the individual are corrected. "Many people come to the point of not believing they can learn particular material or do well on a test," says the expert.

According to
expert, when there is a dysfunction in general waves of some brain regions present very rapid or too slow. The work of Neurofeedback is to regulate and balance these waves. "During the neurological training the brain learns to function properly, balancing the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine [linked to mood, sleep, appetite, attention, concentration, learning, emotions]," explains experts.
Because the technique works

To detect the dysfunction, brain mapping is carried out by means of an electroencephalogram. With the results in hand, the professional defines which patches of brain activity will be needed for that client. Establishes a neurological training protocol for a settlement of brainwave patterns and the correction of impairments found thus enabling a high brain performance.

In this technique, there is the aid of hands to do workouts. The commands are given directly from the customer's brain to the computer by means of electrodes attached to his head. This is how the brain waves are re-educated and learn the way to a high-performance operation.

Disorders with indication for Neurofeedback:

     Panic syndrome;
     Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder;
     Obsessive-compulsive disorder;
     Post-traumatic stress;
     Learning difficulties;
     Dyslexia and Dyscalculia;
     Chronic fatigue;
     Brain damage due to stroke or traumatic brain injury.

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